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RSSOwl | RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader 1.2

RSSOwl is a free RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader in Java using SWT as fast graphic library. Supported OS are Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris. Some features are export of news to PDF, Import / Export with OPML and the full text-search with syntax highlight. For easy execution, a .exe is provided on Windows, a shell-script on Linux / Solaris and the Mac version is deployed in an application bundle. RSSOwl comes with a huge list of sample favorites.

See also: RSS, RDF, Atom, RSSOwl, Java, SWT, rss-reader, feed-reader, rssfeed, RSS-Feed, feedreader, newsfeed, feed, reader, News, newsreader, aggregator, PDF, OPML, export, import, Linux, Mac, Windows, Solaris, tray, search, browser, Rich, site, syndication

Download RSSOwl | RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader 1.2 (Size: 4687 KB)

YeahReader 2.22

YeahReader is a free program for reading news feeds in RSS, RDF and Atom formats, and podcasts. The program provides all basic RSS reader functionality such as a convenient feed update system, proxy support and pop-up update notification. Besides this, YeahReader has such features as built-in blog client that will allow you to quickly write messages to your LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress or Delicious blog, OPML support, and more.

See also: read rss, rss reader, rss aggregator, news reader, news aggregator, reader, aggregator, rdf, atom, rss, news client, feed reader, feedreader, greatnews, sharpreader, rssowl, rss owl, free

Download YeahReader 2.22 (Size: 2235 KB)

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