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Safesquid Content Filtering Proxy 4.0.4

Publisher: Office Efficiencies (India) Private Limi
Filesize: 723 KB
License: Freeware
Updated: 2007-01-04

Safesquid is an antivirus and content filtering proxy server. It has many advanced features like URL blacklists, bandwidth management, regular expression substitution on Website content and requested URL's, ICP and CARP support to interoperate with other proxy servers, configuration synchronization to ease management of proxy servers in a cluster, ICAP support to use third-party content adaptation software, image and link prefetching, HTTP and FTP content caching, NTLM and Basic authentication, and an intutive Web interface to configure the proxy server.

See also: proxy, filter, popup, squid, antivirus, firewall, content, content filter, bandwidth manager, access control, content control, virus

Download Safesquid Content Filtering Proxy 4.0.4 (Size: 723 KB)

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